This Development is composed by 95 no. residential units and a crèche facility (116 sqm) at Old Road, Bailis Td. / Alexander Reid Td., Navan, Co. Meath, in a site of circa 2.72 hectares. The project develops over two, three and four storeys in 2, 3 & 4 bed (terrace, semi-detached, townhouse and duplex) formats, comprising:13 two-bed duplex units, 71 no. three-bed units (57 no. houses & 14 no. duplex) & 11 no. four-bed houses.

The site includes the formation of 4,313 sqm of landscaped open space areas, as incorporates a riparian biodiversity corridor associated with the open water course; 200 no. dedicated car parking spaces (187 residential, 7 no. creche and 6 no. visitor); 64 no. cycle parking spaces, new primary vehicular and pedestrian access to the proposed development will be provided from a new access junction located on the Old Road with associated road widening and improvement works.

Ancillary works
The proposal includes all associated hard and soft landscaping, boundary treatments, footpaths an ESB Sub-Station, a foul-water pumping station and all other ancillary works above and below ground. The planning application is accompanied by a Natura Impact Statement (NIS).